Prof Aigbodion is a Professor, at the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Industrial liaison officer at world bank assisted Africa centre of excellence for sustainable power and energy development(ACE-SPED), University of Nigeria, Nsukka Nigeria, He has Published 285 papers in peer-reviewed International and National Journals, papers in peer-reviewed International and National conference proceedings, papers in peer-reviewed micrographs and chapter in peer-reviewed book. Member Senate Research Grant committee ,University of Nigeria Nsukka Member Senate entrance board ,University of Nigeria Nsukka Prof. Aigbodion is among the top two percent of world scientists and has collaborations with five international institutes. Head of Department of Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Nigeria , 2016 to 2019 Visiting Professor, at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Benin, Benin City Nigeria, Visiting Professor, at the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, Professor Extraordinaire, at the faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Tshwane University of Technology Pretoria South Africa, Visiting Professor, at the Nigerian Institute of Mining and Geosciences, Member of the policy committee, World Bank Africa Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Power and Energy Development (ACE-SPED), Editorial Advisory Board Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, Betham Science publishers, Editorial Board Journal of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Nigerian Metallurgical Society Publishers, National Technical Secretary, Nigerian Metallurgical Society He has also served as an external assessor to many international bodies among which are the National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation Ministry of Education and Science Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, Anna University Centre for Research Chennai, India, University of Johannesburg, Nova Science Publishers Inc Hauppauge USA, National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa, just to mention a few. Member of Accreditation team to Universities and polytechnics organized by National University Commission, Council for the regulation of Engineering in Nigeria and National Board for Technical Education. Member distance Learning governing Council, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Nigeria, 2016-2017 Member, Faculty of Engineering Impact Factor and Conference Verification Committee, University of Nigeria Nsukka Member, Academic Linkage/Collaborations Committee, University of Nigeria Nsukka Prof. Aigbodion has attracted more than five international research projects. Prof Aigbodion is a National Research Foundation (NRF) South Africa C3 rated researcher.