Dr. Patrick U. Akpan has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering (specializing in Power Plant Engineering) from the Energy Efficiency Centre of the University of Cape Town in South Africa, an MSc in Process Systems Engineering (specializing in Energy Systems and Thermal processes) from Cranfield University United Kingdom and a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nigeria.He is a Senior Lecturer with the department of Mechanical Engineering and the Academic Programmes Coordinator (APC) of the African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Power and Energy Development (ACE-SPED). He is the Chairman, Faculty of Engineering Digital Education Committee. His responsibilities as the Faculty Committee Chairman includes: (a) creating awareness for the adaptation of digital education in the faculty, (b) training faculty and encouraging the mainstreaming of emerging solutions for digital education in teaching and learning, (c) Liaising with the University’s ICT unit on the maximum use of all the available resources on digital education to the faculty.His expertise covers the design, modelling and thermal performance evaluation and optimization of conventional & renewable energy & power systems. His expertise also covers energy systems integration, audit, management, and deployment. Dr. Akpan has authored/co-authored several scholarly publications in top engineering journals. He is an Associate Editor of the Nijotech, and he also reviews papers for Scientific and Engineering Journals such as Energy Conversion and Management, Energy, Nijotech, and etc.He has gained proficiency in the use of different engineering software in his previous and current research projects. These include: Python, Ansys Fluent, MATLAB, WANDA Transient, Excel, System Advisor Model, Virtual Plant, EPANET etc. His spoken and written English language skills are good. Dr. Akpan has received a number of awards namely: African Energy Indaba Top Innovator Award (2017), Eskom Energy Efficiency Doctoral Bursary Award (2016-2019), TWAS-NRF Doctoral Fellowship Award (2016-2018), NNPC/ESSO Exploration Foreign Post- Graduate Scholarship (2010-2011), Exxon Mobil Producing Nigeria Limited Undergraduate Scholarship (2002-2006). His previous and present membership of professional bodies include: African Renewable Energy Alliance (AREA), Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN Membership No: R50714), and South African National Energy Association (SANEA).Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2Mm-sJ8AAAAJ&hl=enLinkeldin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-udeme-obong-akpan-phd-92718890/?originalSubdomain=ng Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Patrick-Akpan