Engr. Dr. Mamilus Aginwa Ahaneku obtained his B.Eng. Electrical/Electronic Engineering and MSc Communications Engineering from Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State in 1994 and 2000, respectively. He holds PhD in Communications Engineering from University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 2015. He is a member, Nigerian Society of Engineers, Corporate member, Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and registered Engineer (COREN). He is married with children. He teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate courses, such as Telecommunications Engineering, Communications Principles, Electromagnetic fields & waves, Microwave & Satellite communications, Radar and Navigation System, Mobile Communication, Communication Networks & Protocols, Research methodology, Synopsis and research grant writing, etc. He has successfully supervised over Thirteen (13) Masters Students and currently supervising PhD and Masters’ students. His Research interest includes Wireless Communication, Renewable energy, Microwaves system, Radio frequency design and Internet of Things (IoT) and Image processing. He has published over 50 papers in several National and International Conferences and High Impact Factors Journals. He is currently, Director, Computer Communication Centre, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.